A downloadable game for Windows

[PT-BR] O jogo é uma batalha psíquica entre dois jogadores que enfrentam-se transmitindo ondas mentais um para o outro afim de derrubar suas barreiras mentais e dominar a mente adversária. O jogo possui suporte para Português (nativo), Inglês e Espanhol.

[EN-US] The game is a psychic battle between two players who fight transmitting psychic waves one to the other to destroy their mental barriers and gain control over their opponent's mind. The game has supports Portuguese (native), English and Spanish.

Jam Site: 
PONG - Potiguar Indie Games

Jam Year: 

DESIGN - Created by Warren Robinett
DESIGN - Feathered Friends
META - Polyglot

MS Windows

Tools And Technologies: 
Unity (any product)

Technology Notes: 
FireAlpaca - Ferramenta de pintura digital


Cleiton Souza - Sound designer/Programmer; 

Lukas Paiva - Illustrator; 

Rinaldo Klebson - Sound designer/Game designer; 

Will Lucena - Programmer/Game designer


Telepatos.7z 21 MB

Install instructions

Installation Instructions: 

[PT-BR] Abra o zip, va a pasta build e rode o executavel da unity.

[EN-US] Open the zip file, go to build and run the unity executable.

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